For the launch of Lenovo’s Yoga Tablet 2, the brand took to Twitter and other platforms to educate consumers about the product. Prior to the launch, the brand adopted a combination of ‘paid’ marketing and engagement through influencers. Much of the organic reach, according to Lenovo, was built through the four influencers chosen for the campaign. While Lenovo paid ₹3 lakh for promotions on Twitter, along with the help of influencers, the campaign received nearly 400,000 impressions on Twitter during the two days prior to the launch of the new tablet.

To build excitement and anticipation around the product hitting Indian shores, the pre-launch campaign focused on the product’s USP, conversations and real people while attempting to make product differences come alive for consumers. Four Twitterati (influencers) were cherry-picked from four major business domains – technology, food, films and media – who, apart from being “trusted sources” in those domains, enjoy a large following on Twitter. By leveraging these influencers, Lenovo was able to tap into “trusted communities” and a diverse target group before the launch of the Yoga Tablet 2.

The influencers were “boxed up” and users had to “unbox them” through a gamified interactive video on the campaign site. Aided by clues dropped by the influencers themselves, along the way consumers were able to also familiarise themselves with the features of the product. Lenovo says some 2,000 people visited from Twitter and participated in the ‘Unboxing of Twitterati’. The brand recorded nearly 900 tweets during the short campaign with quality conversations and #YoGa2bFree mentions.

According to the brand, Twitter worked well for the campaign over a period of 2-3 days driving a total of more than 68,500 unique visits to the campaign site. Lenovo also carried out content marketing via Outbrain to supplement the engagements on Twitter with positive social referrals, bringing in quality traffic. The brand claims it was a blemish-free campaign overall with not a single negative tweet around the Yoga Tablet 2 or Lenovo. JJ