Someone I know, let’s call him Mohan, is a ‘pay it forward’ person when it comes to answering phone calls at work. Most of them are not for him, but he almost always takes the time to help the callers reach the right person. Why doesn’t he just say ‘wrong number’ and hang up?

The answer lies in his experience with calling customer service. “I was getting ping-ponged across departments where none of the representatives had a clue how to help. It is frustrating and I don’t really want anyone to go through that,” he says.

Mohan may have become a better person for his bitter experience, but most customers seethe with anger and helplessness at the excuses customer service representatives trot out. What are the other excuses/situations that get people’s goats? We asked a few people to tell us and categorised their responses.

b Interminable music alternated with announcement: “I am sorry, all our customer executives are currently busy. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line.”

b Rinse, repeat: The executive asks the customers to hold, then apologises, puts you back on hold, then disconnects. Then customer calls again, and the same sequence is played out.

b There’s always a next time! “The most annoying part is when they do not or cannot help you and then ask if they can help you with anything else.”

b Policy problems: “I understand your concern, Ma’am. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. We will see what we can do.” After a while (minutes, days, weeks, months), they return to say their policy prevents them from helping with this situation.

b Knock, knock? “The worst part is the 1800 number in the US where there is an automated response on the other end of the line – it takes ages before I get connected to a real person.” We have a hack for that, based on personal experience – ignore the voice and keep pressing zero, you’ll get to an agent by and by. Disclaimer: Not sure it will work with everybody.

We are sure you have more to add to the list, complaints and tips. Mail us at

Vitamin C is a weekly dose of customer empowerment.