Paper Boat’s Neeraj Kakkar says their video managed to get one million views on YouTube and Facebook each. “We started off by writing personal letters to each of the individuals who featured in the video and were overwhelmed when all of them replied with great enthusiasm. And then our team, and the team from Lowe Lintas (the brand’s ad agency) met up with each of them personally. They talked to them about their dreams and their stories. They exchanged ideas on how to feature each one of them.

“Yes, logistically, it was quite crazy. But in hindsight, it was much easier than it should have been. There were times when things didn’t go according to plan. Those were the parts that turned out the nicest. Maybe because whenever we found ourselves in such situations, Hum honge kamyab was always playing in the background somewhere.”

Of the Car Dekho film, LK Gupta says: “We can’t do TV ads all the time. While companies do use employees, it’s mostly only the CEO or founder that is seen in the ads. We used many more and not just the senior people. It’s a very simply made film with simple-looking people, we just gave everyone white coats to wear. “As we are in the content business, we have people with the abilities. We have a YouTube channel so we have professional editors and directors but have never made a TV ad. Our ad agency Mullen Lintas helped us with the script. We shot the film overnight in our Jaipur office, in about 24 hours. About 50-60 people from our office are in it, 5-6 people have larger roles.” Gupta too features in the ad as he had to fill in for someone who went missing at the last minute.