nuggets. Memes, music and movies

Updated - December 26, 2021 at 06:31 PM.

2021 could well be called the year of memes. It began with senator Bernie Sanders becoming a meme as the image of him wearing mittens made with recycled sweaters, when attending President Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony, went viral all over the world.

Through the year memes dominated popular discourse with the ship blocking Suez Canal, Ronaldo snubbing Coca-Cola — all becoming memorable spoofs rather rapidly.

In India, Pakistani influencer Dananeer Mobeen’s video influenced

Pawri ho rahi hai became a popular social media meme across platforms. The year end was dominated by memes from Korean web series
Squid Games .

Interestingly, a year end study by youth marketing research firm YPulse has found that Gen Z and millennials care more about memes than music and movies, and that the top pop culture moments for the younger generation belonged to memes.

As much as 55 per cent of Gen Z felt their generation cared more about viral videos and memes, while 48 per cent of millennial respondents felt the same. Music came in second place.

Pop culture was also dominated by nostalgia given the love that Friends Reunion — the special episode of the popular American sitcom — received.

But on OTT, it was Squid Games all the way with the Korean drama that began with a game of Red Light, Green Light for survival, shooting to top slot on Netflix and becoming the most watched show of all time on the platform.

Published on December 26, 2021 13:01