Come February and brands begin to smell of love and roses. Amid the Valentine’s Day frenzy, a couple of great moment marketing campaigns on the Aussie Open and the Union Budget caught the eye

Advantage Nike

Barely had Rafael Nadal kissed his 21st Grand Slam trophy at the Australian Open, and Nike had rolled out a superbly crafted film to congratulate the Spanish ace! Using just scoreboards and commentators voices, the cleverly executed ad from Deuce to Advantage is a masterpiece in moment marketing

Cementing its position

A day after the Union Budget was presented, a print ad that caught the eye was Shree Cement’s clever take. It had a visual of a cement slab with the line “Some slabs remain unchanged” #income tax . Good moment marketing again.

A different tack

Mondelez’s chocolate bar Cadbury’s 5 star , which has always shown the effervescene of love has taken a surprisingly refreshing route this year in its Valentine’s Day campaign. It shows how the cheesy, flowery, syrupy stuff going on around this time can be really painful for singles. The brand offers the perfect alibi to singles seeking to escape the V-Day madness creating an island where they can head off to, giving the excuse they won’t be in town. For sheer quirkiness, and originality, this is a winner.