Shifts in the driving seat

Updated - January 11, 2018 at 06:50 PM.

Newer models of car ownership will emerge in the future


The meaning of driving is expanding beyond ‘steering a vehicle’ as the consumer’s relationship with the car changes, says ‘Automotive 2025: Industry without borders’, a report from IBM. It adds that the car of the future will know who its occupants are and advise them on decisions.

Mobility solutions

There is insight into mobility solutions in the report. Four types of consumer groups emerged based on their digital mobility interest. The Pacesetter and Fast Follower groups are the most technologically advanced and together represent 79 per cent. About two-thirds of them are aged 25-44 years.


Sixty-three per cent of Indian respondents were very interested in their ideas being used to design new automotive products and mobility services.

The definition of ownership is going beyond the traditional as Indian consumers are looking for new options. Fifty-eight per cent are interested in subscription pricing and 33 per cent are interested in fractional ownership of vehicles. Alternative ownership options will be especially important as first-time buyers start considering the purchase of a second car and seniors re-evaluate their need for a second car.

Ninety-one per cent of Indian consumers surveyed expect to own a car sometime during the next ten years.

Consumers from India show a high level of interest in the intelligent, intuitive, self-enabling innovation that 80 per cent of industry executives said would be a key differentiator by 2025. Indian consumers are very interested in all aspects of self-enabling vehicles, selecting self-driving capabilities most cited by 74 per cent.

Published on May 4, 2017 15:53