There have been many revolutions in the e-commerce industry over time. In recent years, social media has become the most important tool for e-commerce marketing and growth.

The fact that most people usually prefer to spend at least an hour or forty minutes of their day browsing social media proves the efficiency of e-commerce and social media grouping. Currently, there are millions of internet shoppers that are directed from social media to an online shopping website.

Responsibility wrought by change: Although there is greater opportunity with the rise of social media, it creates additional obligation for users and sellers. The forms of e-commerce and social media marketing are no longer constant as before. Companies’ marketing strategies need to evolve for them to benefit. The most important thing is for e-commerce to realise that they cannot randomly sell their product on the channel anymore. Selling the product on a channel is just one part of a product selling strategy. To take full advantage, it is necessary to make use of the multiple social media platforms to drive more targeted leads.

Omni-channel marketing: Omni-channel marketing is all about customer experience and product selling efficiency. Whether it is through offline stores, website, mobile app or social media, it is the best way to target customers in the present time with the use of multiple platforms.

Omni-channel customer experience is considered to be the most effective approach. It allows marketers to transcend any medium and allows shoppers to get exactly what they want at the time they want it. Right now, e-tailers can find numerous effective ways of reaching their customers and getting leads for their service and products.

Social media itself offers multiple ways of reaching out to consumers, which makes it easier and quicker for e-tailers to enhance their business and stabilise their business growth in the shortest period of time.

Private social messaging: Notwithstanding the name, web-based social networking is ending up private, with numerous users favouring private correspondence with people or groups to open broadcasting. It’s exceptionally telling that WeChat, WhatsApp, QC Chat and Messenger have a more extensive network than the most popular social networks. Individuals (and millennials specifically) are hoping to connect on a more profound, more private level.

Direct social commerce: With around 93 per cent of millennials spending regular time on top rated social networks, online business is now spreading to web-based social networking channels. As mobile browsing and buying turns out to be more standardised, it’s presumable that this pattern will keep on growing in the year 2017. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest officially empower users to buy items specifically through their mobile applications, with Snapchat proposing to take action accordingly soon. Users believe their social networks, and they are going to them on the hunt for new, intriguing content and potential buys.

Paid social advertising: As Internet business brands utilise online networking progressively, the market is turning out to be more competitive. Accomplishing similar outcomes through pure natural traffic is harder – partially because of social algorithms that support posts from friends or family over brands and organisations. Systems obviously need you to put resources into their publicising. Progressively, you will find that you have to pay to get your business seen. Tragically, as more organisations begin utilising paid advertising, the costs are gradually rising. The key will be to locate the correct harmony between the spending plan and visibility.

Live video: Live video is an awesome approach to assemble brand awareness and develop a group or community around your business. It became known in 2016, however, now it is taking off in a significantly greater manner. You can live-stream events utilising social live video. So, hypothetically you could share a full live event via Web-based networking media, as it happens. Facebook Live, Periscope Pro and YouTube are hopping on the live video fleeting trend, and so should you.

Virtual reality: Organisations are now putting resources into virtual reality and augmented reality, as it is the next big thing in the tech space. So, it is quite clear that it will influence the social media environment in multiple ways, and it is considered that its impact will specially be significant on Web-based business stores/ e-commerce stores in 2017 and onwards.

Ameen Khwaja is CEO & Founder,