There is a wide choice of media available to consumers, especially youth. Today’s youth are changing dramatically. They are largely governed by technology. Digital media, SMS, mobile apps, all this technology helps us build deeper engagement, not just discounts and offers. Technology plays a very important role in brand building.

Apps have changed the game for the entire marketing community. Technology helps us provide deeper knowledge in terms of consumer profiles, their likes and dislikes, their tastes, even in food, whether they like something sweet or spicy, food pairing, and so on. There are two big challenges for us. One is, how do you stay relevant to the consumer amidst so many media, and second, consumers have so much choice today. There are some 30 choices for just one snack at different price points. How does a brand stay on top of mind and top of preference for a customer? No one has a monopoly in any category.

Deciding between traditional and new media to advertise and engage with young consumers is a challenge. It is not about being tied down to a medium but about content-consuming patterns. Are they watching TV or watching news, TV shows or other content on YouTube? Are they getting news through social media or through print media? We need to find out what they are consuming, and chase the content.

As told to Sravanthi Challapalli