I have never used dating apps and would never want to do so. The top risk in that platform is that many people falsely pretend to be single. However, there is a high likelihood that I would date someone whom I meet online. I would choose bromance (considering best friends as my soul mate) over romance.

These are not the words of this writer, but that of more than 11,000 males and females in the age group of 13-25 years across more than 50 cities in India. In partnership with Third Eye Qualitative Researchers and Juxt Smart Mandate, media major MTV interviewed the Indian youth for its study that’s conducted once in two years.

On the topic of finding the right partner one of the many other thoughts included, intelligence is the key attribute I would value in my partner. Good looks and honesty follow, in that order.

Career goalposts

Planning my career and education followed by making my parents proud are my most important goals. Lifestyle, academic achievements and professional achievements are my top drivers of happiness.

But where would I like to work? In the wishlist, the appeal of a public sector job including civil services is coming down though it still remains the most aspired job. Multinational companies have been pushed off the second most preferred job slot. The start-ups have occupied that perch, growing in popularity by almost six times over the last two years.

The battle called life

I realise that life is not black and white, but somewhere in the grey. Curiosity has led my generation on a path of self-discovery. I believe that it’s necessary to understand myself in order to decide how to work towards success. That’s a true reflection of my pragmatic self.

I would cope with stress or sorrow by listening to music or going to sleep in that order. Another big alternative would be talking to someone close. Things like going for a drink with friends, playing a sport or going shopping were unpopular methods to beat stress.

Entertainment unlimited

The top reasons that drive this set to start consuming a new piece of content are the uniqueness of concept, relatability of story and credibility of the story or narrative.

The story being unique, acting being brilliant and story being larger than life were the top three reasons for following a show. Entertainment apps sit prominently on my cell-phone as they help me consume content on the go.

Entertainment is no longer restricted to the conventional definition. It can be any act that can alleviate or alter moods. The top pick in what entertainment means to me is having a good time with friends.

Social samosa

News-related content would be the top pick on social media, followed by bold and shocking content. However, that is not to be confused with vulgar content.

That sits right at the bottom of our preference. On most occasions we would pick enrichment from content over just entertainment. I love watching shows that make me learn something new or see things differently, was a thought that was especially echoed by the 18-25 year-olds.

That line of thinking was the strongest in the NCCS (New Consumer Classification System) A and the lowest in NCCS C.

On social media, I would not prefer my comments and status messages to linger around for years.

Our generation prefers our posts, images and comments to disappear from the social network after 24 hours, unless we choose to keep it forever in our digital memory. As a result, social media like Snapchat finds favour amongst people like us.

The big picture

I am flawsome. While I am trying to improve my faults, I do not hide my flaws. They make me unique. Flaws make people endearing. Perfect looks like it’s manufactured. I would rather view them as quirks and not as flaws.

One can either accept the flaws and turn them into a weapon or cry alone and waste time. The underdog story works every time with our generation as it inspires us.