It’s almost as if the words of the year were ‘digital’ and ‘content’ and these dominate the forecasts for marketing and advertising in 2017. Here’s what Babita Baruah, Executive Business Director, J. Walter Thompson predicts will happen in the A & M world next year.

Integrated teams

There will be integrated teams/units from large agency networks for key client relationships. These teams will be the collision point of data, culture and content, with a specialised and mixed talent pool. With the advent of digital and content, brand understanding is pivotal to any communication. The role of these integrated teams is to be the brand stakeholders, and collaborate with partners.

A picture is worth ...

Images speak louder than words. The digital ecosystem today has created social currency with images, both still and video.

Increasingly, posts and updates are images vs copy.

This will lead to a demand for creators of images for brands, starting with consumers themselves.

Key to engagement

Brands with a stated purpose stand to gain an edge. Purpose-driven communication is on the rise and with youth being more socially and politically aware and connected, such communication seems to garner significant engagement.

Diverse talent

Agencies will have a mixed talent pool. This will be driven by factors such as diversity, the need for marketing to the ecosystem and creating relevant content.

Data x Culture X Technology

Content strategies will be driven by data, culture hotspots and technology. Experience creation will be sharper with cultural insights, engagement will be driven by technology and data will lead to targeted consumers.