Concrete solutions

Priya sundarajan Updated - January 15, 2018 at 07:19 PM.

By 2050, 66% of the world’s population will live in cities: what concrete solutions can be implemented to meet urban climate challenges?

Christian de Boisredon, Sparknews Founder

Cities are at the center of climate change. They already represent 54% of the global population and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2050, the world’s urban population will reach 66% (2014 UN Report). Yet cities also serve as hubs for business, innovation and strategies for resilience, capable of reinventing our modes of production, consumption and distribution, and shaping our relationship with urban mobility, energy and waste.

Choosing to center the editorial line around cities for this second edition of Solutions&Co was an obvious choice for our business media partnership. Like last year, our media partners have reported on the most innovative companies responding to climate issues from their respective countries, and shared their work with the network of newspapers. Today, November 4th, 50 articles written by this group of prestigious media, including The HinduBusinessLine, are being published across the globe.

Readers in China, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, France and Germany, among others, will discover together these businesses and organizations making a difference.

To go a step further, we have brought together insights from leading climate experts, like Mary Robinson and Dame Ellen MacArthur, in the form of a brand new e-book. Download it via and discover dozens of innovative companies, as well as input from experts and entrepreneurs, all working toward sustainable cities.

Several of the businesses featured in last year’s first edition have since been greeted with new opportunities, and some were able to forge partnerships with major companies and organizations. These projects have also inspired the founding partner of Solutions&Co, Total, which is seeking out and developing responses to issues relating to the sustainable energy transition.

Sparknews has been working with leading media over the last five years with the aim of identifying and publishing the stories of a world that knows how to find solutions to its challenges. At the same time, we target actors in those fields that have the greatest potential impact: local governments, economic decision-makers and innovative entrepreneurs come together at our Positive Innovation Club events. Everyone has a role to play.

We invite you to nominate innovative companies for the next edition of Solutions&Co using .

Enjoy your read! We hope you will be inspired and find on these pages the sustainable building blocks adapted to the transformation of your company or city.

Christian de Boisredon, Sparknews Founder ( @cdeboisredon )

Sparknews Team ( @sparknews@solutionsandco )

Published on November 3, 2016 18:31