As many as 10 Indian startups and news firms are among the 87 news organisations from 23 countries selected for the Google News Initiative (GNI) funding.

The GNI-YouTube innovation funding helps the organisations build video capabilities and experiment with new formats for video journalism.

Factly, a Hyderabad-based fact-checking startup, is among the 10 organisations selected for the GNI funding. The others include Asianet News Media and Entertainment, NDTV, India Today, Bharatiya Digital Party, Nyooz and Video Volunteers.

“Hundreds of organisations submitted proposals through an open application process. They represent a diverse array of broadcasters, traditional and digital publishers, local media, agencies and creators,” Timothy Katz, Director of News Partnerships at YouTube, has said.

“Many of these projects are focused on expanding newsroom video operations and trying out new ways of reporting news through video -- from reaching younger audiences online to exploring live and fact-checking formats,” the executive said.