The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) on Wednesday ordered Adani Power to restore and maintain the contracted 1,424 MW supply of electricity to Haryana without interruption.

Adani Power had cut supplies to Haryana’s State electricity distribution utilities after August 25, following the Supreme Court staying an earlier order of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and APTEL granting the generator a compensatory tariff of an additional 61 paise per unit.

APTEL also stated in its order on Wednesday that its earlier interim order on compensatory tariff is subject to the outcome of the appeal in the Supreme Court.

APTEL’s interim order had stayed recovery of past dues and only allowed the compensatory tariff from March 2014 onwards. The same was challenged in the Supreme Court.

Excuse Adani Power used this as an excuse to cut supplies.

APTEL said in its order on Wednesday that Adani Power did not inform the tribunal about their action to cut power supply to Haryana.

“The balance of convenience is therefore, totally in favour of directing the generation and supply of electricity to Haryana Utilities against the contracted capacity of 1,424 MW in the larger public interest rather than allowing Adani Power to keep the Generating Units 7, 8 and 9 idle,” APTEL said.