There's robust evidence that advertising effectiveness is no more than 41 per cent so advertising hasn't got much to be proud of, said Prof John Philip Jones, author and brand guru, speaking at Goafest 2012. In a lecture on ‘Adding Drive to Magical Ideas’, he discussed the use of empirical data to define advertising strategy and to make decisions.

One of the subjects he discussed at length was the use of media in advertising. Light buyers are ignored at the expense of heavy buyers and short-term goals are given more weightage. And when brands don't advertise due to reasons of budget, one impetus that adds drive to magical ideas, they are vulnerable to competition.

Prof Jones also said the Internet has not been a very efficient ad medium, either in India or the US. In the US, it has come to account for 10 per cent of the advertising in 20 years, he pointed out. He, however, said its growth would continue and that it would be the No 3 medium by 2025, after TV and direct mail.