CUMI International Ltd (Cyprus), a wholly owned subsidiary of Carborundum Universal Ltd, India, is set to buy RHI Isithebe (Pty) Ltd, including the refractory manufacturing facilities of RHI Refractories Africa (Pty) Ltd.

CUMI has signed a pact with RHI AG, Austria, the parent company, for the purchase of 100 per cent of equity of these companies in South Africa.

Isithebe is one of the largest fused mineral manufacturing facilities in Africa and can deliver up to 30,000 tonnes of various fused minerals a year.

CUMI will also introduce its own technologists to enhance the electromineral operations and to extend the ready-use-product range, says a press release from Carborundum Universal.

CUMI, part of the Rs 22,300-crore Murugappa Group, is a vertically integrated abrasives, electro-minerals, ceramics, refractory company with operations in Australia, Canada, China, India, West Asia, Russia, South Africa, Thailand and the US.
