A casualty of coal block de-allocation has been the Rs 24,000-crore Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL). Ravi Uppal, MD and CEO, feels the Government did not consider the real scenarios while taking decisions.

Excerpts from an interview with Siddhartha P. Saikia:

How fair is the Government decision to de-allocate blocks?

We, as a mine developer, do the maximum possible work. Any Government agency, including the inter-ministerial group, must listen to the views of all stakeholders. . Companies such as JSPL have an impeccable reputation in executing projects within the shortest time. The Government must empathise with the difficulties we face.

But, you were given time to respond…

We have answered all their questions. But, they have chosen to disregard them. We do not know what their compulsions were to take such a decision. Generally, it takes four to five years to develop a mine; we have done that in two years. We can get a mine operational much faster than anybody else.

You are punishing the best-performing company.

What are the on-ground hindrances?

In the Amarkonda Murgadangal block, Jharkhand, we were not able to go to the site. Our people were beaten and equipment burnt. . We are ready to work but we cannot risk the lives of our people.

The Government should not unnecessarily suspect developers for unwillingness to mine. There are many mines allocated to public sector firms for decades but no work has been done. Here, we are running from pillar to post, and still we do not get any support. What else can we do?

Do you think de-allocations would impact the proposed coal block auctioning?

I am not sure. There may be new respondents. But, there may be reservations. siddhartha.s@thehindu.co.in