To create a global platform for the Indian fashion jewellery, the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts, is organising an ‘Indian Fashion Jewellery and Accessories Show' (IFJAS) beginning July 8.


Over 200 manufacturers and exporters will showcase their products.

Mainly focusing on fashion products like costume jewellery, the show will also showcase the widest range of materials, products and designs, among others.

Mr Arvind Vadhera, Chairman of EPCH, said, “India already exports fashion jewellery and accessories to the tune of Rs. 886 crore, but still its share in the world market is very less. Therefore, there is a need to make vigorous efforts to increase exports from India and holding of IFJAS is part of Council's drive to promote and expand horizons of key verticals of the handicrafts sector.”

Top importers

The top importing nations for jewellery in the world are the US, Germany, UK, France, Japan, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Hong Kong, Australia, Italy and Latin American countries.

India is already exporting to these markets, he added.