India is set to hold its first Digital Arts Symposium in September this year. The industry is growing at 31 per cent yearly, according to a FICCI KPMG 2012 report. It is in its infancy stages now, contributing about 6 per cent to the Rs 728 billion media and entertainment industry, and is expected to be about Rs120 billion (8 per cent of the total industry) by 2016.

The Association of Bangalore Animation Industries (ABAI) will organise the Symposium to showcase Indian companies globally, and will work with the Government of Karnataka – the first State in the country to put forth an animation policy – for this.

“ABAI will seek international support from academic institutions and is looking at models implemented by them for the audio-visual sector,” Mr Biren Ghosh, President, ABAI and Country Head, Technicolour India , said.

The association will also involve stakeholders such as companies that develop tools used for visual effects and hardware companies. The 7-year-old association is also pushing companies to participate in international events.

“There are certain events like the Game Developer Conference that act as deal making centres for the industry. We are making sure India participates in these and strike business deals,” he said.

Pointing out that the demand-supply gap is one of the issues plaguing the industry, Mr Biren said that the association was working on initiatives to nurture talent.