The Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur may just have warmed up nicely to host an IPL game being held later today.

Oppressive heat conditions are conspicuously absent this year, after a train of weather-friendly western disturbances capped the trend.

Western disturbances are low-pressure waves passing into northwest India all the way from the Mediterranean across west and central Asia with embedded cool weather.

Along the way, they bypass Iraq, Iran, the Middle-east, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This year has witnessed an extended play of these disturbances well in end-April. They are the principal weather-makers for northwest India.

But weather models suggest that these are now getting into a ‘cease’ mode for the time-being, letting the heating process to get to a start.

A prevailing disturbance over Kashmir lost much of its bite. Unlike earlier this season, it may not be trailed instantly by a successor, too.

This is what would ensure that the humidity would also be kept to a maximum of 40 per cent only.

But its lingering presence would ensure partly cloudy skies over the city. >