NDTV has filed a multi-billion dollar lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court against Nielsen Group and other related entities, levelling charges of viewership data manipulation and bribery.

The Delhi-based broadcaster alleged that Nielsen Group and Kantar Media Group — through TAM Media Research, which has a virtual monopoly in India — manipulated viewership data in favour of channels willing to pay bribes to TAM officials. TAM India is a joint venture between Kantar and Nielsen, the world’s largest audience measurement conglomerates.

NDTV confirmed the development, but declined further comment, saying “the matter is sub judice .” A TAM spokesperson said: “TAM India does not comment on any litigation.”

In the lawsuit seeking compensatory and punitive damages, NDTV is demanding at least $810 million for fraud and a minimum of $580 million for negligence. Besides, it has sought millions of dollars under various causes of actions, including breach of contract.

NDTV claimed it suffered damage because of these “wrongdoings” as it refused to pay bribes to these companies which were “abusing” their dominant position. This resulted in lower ratings for NDTV and lower advertising revenues, leading to loss of hard-earned reputation and goodwill as well as damage to profitability, the lawsuit states.

The lawsuit stated that the primary reason that data could be so easily manipulated in India was the persistent refusal of Nielsen and Kantar to provide adequate funds for TAM to increase its sample size and invest in systems, quality and security procedures.