NS Instruments India Private Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Seiki Ltd of Japan, opened its production unit in Sri City.

Mamoru Kawada, Director, Nippon Seiki, administered the dedication ceremony in the presence of Motohiko Ogawa, Managing Director, NSIP, Ravindra Sannareddy, Managing Director, Sri City, and other industry representatives. Kawada in a statement said, “Besides meeting the demand from the Indian market, in future we wish to export to other countries from the Sri City plant as it is located close by to sea ports.”

Second inauguration

Ravindra Sannareddy said, “Today’s event is the second inauguration within a week, and NSIP is the eighth Japanese company that became operational. When two other auto component makers, Kikuwa and Kusakabe, and the three biggies from Japan-Isuzu, Unicharm and NHK Spring become operational, a strong ecosystem for Japanese companies would get developed here. This plant makes entry into the automobile-electronic sector in Sri City.”