After submitting in a court about inability to pay Rs 10,000 crore as bail for jailed Sahara chief Subrata Roy, the group has now turned to social media to mobilise public sentiments.

Nearly 2 ½ minute video uploaded on you tube shows how the group is doing good work for the society. It also features various unknown individuals with a placard stating, ‘I trust Sahara’ and ‘I support Sahara’ in Hindi and English. The clip narrates the story with three youths who themselves observe good work by group employees. One of the youth said that that one could be in jail but not his ideology.

Within hours of uploading the video, the video got over 700 hits with a lot of comments ‘supporting’ Sahara chief. This clip has come out after its employees Society of the group appealed to all the employees contributing generously in order to face ‘adverse and challenging’ time.

The group is fighting fierce legal battle in the Supreme Court with the capital market regulator SEBI over payment of Rs 20,000 crore to the investors. The group’s head Roy is in jail since March 4 after the apex court issued a non-bailable warrant against him for not appearing in court in a contempt case.

The apex court did approve bail for Roy and two of the group’s directors but with a condition of depositing Rs 5,000 crore in cash and Rs 5,000 crore in the form of bank guarantee. The group, though, termed Roy’s detention as illegal but made it clear that it is unable to pay this large amount up front. In fact the group presented alternative plan which was rejected.

Meanwhile after last hearing on April 3, the court made it clear that Rs 10,000 demanded from the group as an immediate payment was not a bail bond. It is the principal amount to be paid by the company and it would show bonafide on the group for release, the court explained.

It also said that sending Roy and two others is not a punishment. “We are not punishing anyone. We are just trying to enforce our orders. We never said that it is a mode of punishment. Contempt petition is still pending. We would deal with the punishment part also but only after getting our orders complied,” a Bench of justices K S Radhakrishnan and J S Khehar had said.

>The video clip.