The Manipal-based T.A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) will conduct a two-phase Brand Scan (the annual market research fair conducted by the students of the institute) in Mangalore and Manipal on November 12-13 and November 19-20, respectively.

A press release by Prof Chowdari Prasad, Dean (Planning & Development) and Chairman (Branding & Promotion Committee) of the institute, said here on Thursday that Brand Scan will be conducted at City Centre Mall in Mangalore on November 12 and 13.

This expansion will open up new horizons for Brand Scan and further strengthen the research methodology as well as extend the list of clientele, he said.

The second phase of Brand Scan will be conducted at Manipal on November 19 and 20.

He said that the two-day event attracts crowds from various strata of society and elicits natural and unbiased responses through the use of disguised games. With professional guidance and consultation from the market research agencies, Brand Scan has developed a sound research approach that has been instrumental in repeatedly bagging a diverse set of projects from some of the most reputed names in various sectors of corporate India. Manipal has been conducting Brand Scan for the last 18 years, he added.