Palakkad Coconut Producer Company Ltd, one of the 12 registered companies in Kerala formulated under the aegis of Coconut Development Board, has entered into an agreement with CFTRI, Mysore, for R&D in Neera processing and packaging.

Palakkad Producer Company consists of over 26,000 coconut farmers in Palakkad.

Ramraj Sekhar, Director CFTRI said Neera intervention is a major technological and economic innovation providing economic security to coconut farmers and Neera workers.

PCPCL’s association with CFTRI is expected to be of futuristic nature. The company will pay a fee of one per cent of its sales turnover to CFTRI for a long-term partnership in developing, standardising and commercialising technology for processing and packaging of Neera and its derivatives.

CFTRI had displayed five major Neera products developed – Neera concentrate, Neera honey and bottled Neera in pet bottles, glass bottles and cans.

With the tie-up, PCPCL is in a position to embark on commercial production of Neera. PCPCL has already opened six retail outlets for Neera and 4 more will be opened soon.