VLCC, which is in the slimming and beauty business, will enter Malaysia and Singapore as part of a $15-million plan that will be put into action in the next 18 months. It has made a beginning in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal earlier this year. Speaking to Business Line , Mr Sandeep Ahuja, Managing Director, VLCC Health Care, also said another goal was to double its personal care products business, which has been doubling in size for the last two years. It will also look to expand the market for its joint venture with the US-based Pritikin Longevity Centre & Spa – it has one centre in Delhi now. The biggest contributor to VLCC's revenue is its slimming and beauty centres. The FICCI Ernst & Young Wellness Report (2009) puts the size of the wellness services market at Rs 11,000 crore. Mr Ahuja declined to give financial information about VLCC's business but said that it has been growing at 25 per cent CAGR over the last four years. It will also focus on franchising its business in the next 12-18 months. At present, 90 per cent of VLCC's centres and training institutes are owned and managed by VLCC itself, he added. —