Acsia Technologies, the Technopark-based company which develops software solutions for major automotive car-makers , will establish Automotive Software Competence Centres for engineering students to enable them to be part of embedded software projects of the company.

This would be implemented with the support of various engineering colleges in the State by selecting students to work with the technology company along with their studies. The project helps in finding a solution for the insufficiency of skilled professionals in the software sector, said Jijimon Chandran, CEO, Acsia.

The project labs of the company will be functioning as Automotive Software Competence Centres at the colleges. Students in Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics engineering sectors will be benefitted through the project. Students who are passionate in Embedded Systems, Automotive and Programming can be part of the programme.

Several technology companies are providing training for their fresh employees for duration of six months to one year and this sometimes impacts the projects timelines. Through the new initiative, Acsia is planning to provide industry relevant training at the colleges itself so that the students who come out of the engineering colleges could start their work from Day One, he added.

Several engineering colleges have come forward for establishing Automotive Software Competence Centres of Acsia. The focused training will be connected with the curriculum of the students.

With the introduction of advanced technologies into the modern cars, he said car manufacturers have started investing heavily in electronics and software sectors which opens up more employment opportunities for software technology services.

The project of Acsia aims to enhance the curriculum with industry relevant advanced training and mould the students as per the perfect requirement of IT companies. Acsia Technologies which is functioning for the last eight years in the Automotive sector has entered into contracts with several car manufacturers in the world for connected cars, eMobility and advanced ‘software defined car’ technology.