Things seem to be moving for the partners -- Reliance Industries, BP and Niko Resources — in KG-D6 block. The partners have got the approval to drill a well in the MA field in the block. The field is mainly an oil producing area in the block that boasts of the largest gas fields, D1-D3, in the country.

The total gas output from D6 block today is close to 16 mscmd (4 mscmd from MA fields and 12 mscmd from D1, D3 fields) after hitting a peak of 60 mscmd in end-2009.

The MA field is producing about 6,000 barrels a day.

According to the Petroleum Ministry data for February, eight wells have stopped flowing hydrocarbons in the D1, D3 fields, and two wells have ceased to flow because of water/sand ingress.

The block management committee last month approved drilling the MA 8 well, which is expected to produce gas. It is difficult to assess at this point of time how much the field will contribute to the total gas output.

Field development plan

Last February, Reliance had submitted a revised field development plan for the MA oilfield, according to which the contractor was to drill one gas well to augment gas production.

The revised field development plan envisaged an investment of about $1.96 billion. The work included drilling of MA 8.