Mr Gautam S. Adani, Chairman, Adani Group, apprised Mr Fred P. Hochberg, Chairman, Ex-Im Bank of the US, of the group's plans for infrastructure business, especially for power and mining in India and Australia when Mr Hochberg called on him at his office here on Saturday.

He was visiting the country as a member of the delegation led by the US Secretary of State, Ms Hillary Clinton.

Mr John A. McAdams, Senior Vice-President of the bank, and officials from General Electric accompanied Mr Hochberg, a spokesperson of the group said.

They also discussed the role the US industry could play in the sector, the spokesperson said.

Emerging economies

Under Mr Hochberg's leadership, the Ex-Im Bank has increased focus on customers of American products and services in emerging economies such as India, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil and Columbia.

He is working for expanding the footprint of key US industries such as power-generation equipment, medical technology, avionics, farm and construction machinery, where US companies have technological and competitive advantages.

As head of the Ex-Im Bank, Mr Hochberg is carrying forward the US President, Mr Barack Obama's plan to double exports in five years.