Tata Group-owned Air India is mulling “suitable action” against an advertising campaign of Builder.ai, in which the latter claims to have developed a prototype of an app for the carrier and has also used the airlines’ brand name and logo.

The airline has cautioned flyers about an advertising campaign and warned that it is neither handing out free tickets nor is it responsible for misuse of personal data or information of anyone or for any financial implication arising thereof. 

Builder.ai is a start-up that helps entrepreneurs and businesses develop apps without the need for coding.

The airline said the prototype app has been done “without the involvement or consent of Air India”. 

“An advertising campaign in print media, digital media and OOH has been launched by a company with the name Builder.ai. The campaign of this company is claiming to have developed the prototype of an app especially for Air India,” the airlines said in a statement.

Builder.ai’s advertisement has a QR code that links to the prototype app, in which the Air India logo and trade mark appear distinctly, the Tata-owned airlines alleged.

Air India’s response

The carrier clarified that it has neither awarded any contract nor given permission to the software company to develop any app. It has not engaged their services for any digital activity too, it clarified.

“Any data collected through this QR code/app (which is there in the adv) has the potential threat of misuse and Air India shall not be held responsible in case of any data misuse or financial implications arising out of this,” the statement added.

‘Surprise gift’

Meanwhile, ‘Builder.ai’ in a tweet has said, their “genuine intention” was to “surprise” the carrier with a “gift of a prototype”. 

The software company has sought a meeting with Air India officials and has also clarified that tickets will be “purchased and awarded” by the start-up. 

“Hey #AIFly - we’re heartbroken. Our genuine intention was to surprise you with a gift of a prototype, with love. Let’s meet. Flights are purchased and awarded by Builder.ai, as it’s our campaign...,” it said in a reply to Air India’s tweet. 

Builder.ai has also shared a link that takes those who click on it to the product tutorial of the prototype app. The developer has also put in a voting option where it asks users if they think that Air India should “build the app” with them or not.