GSM operator Aircel, together with Saavn, a digital streaming provider of Indian music, has launched ‘Aircel Music Mornings’, a music-based promotion scheme.

Under the scheme, which will run for three months, Aircel will offer its users free data access to Saavn’s comprehensive music catalogue for one month. The access will be provided between 6 am and 9 am throughout the week, the company said in a statement.

The data usage on Saavn during those hours is free for Aircel’s pre-paid users. It will not be billed nor will it drain users’ data packages.

“Music is a service that appeals to all. The rapid growth in the penetration of smartphones has led the way for frequent music streaming and downloading on smart devices. With more than one-third of our subscribers using smartphones and riding on the success of Aircel 3G mornings, we bring alive the concept of good mornings through the introduction of ‘Aircel Music Morning’ in alliance with Saavn,” Anupam Vasudev, Chief Marketing Officer at Aircel, said.

“This service will be available in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Chennai, and we plan to extend it to other regions soon,” he added.
