All India Radio’s popular FM Gold channel is all set for re-launch tomorrow with a revised programming schedule, official sources said today.

The channel is being re-launched on November 12 which is observed as Public Service Broadcasting Day in India.

With the re-launch there will be certain changes in the duration and timings of broadcasts on FM Gold. The English news bulletin of 30 minutes duration at 2 pm will now be curtailed to 15 minutes and another bulletin of 15 minutes of Hindi news would follow.

In addition, there will be two new bulletins of 5 minutes duration each.

A new news bulletin in Hindi will be introduced from 12.05 pm to 12.10 while there would be an English bulletin from 3 pm to 3.05 pm.

The ‘Sports Scan’ programme which is broadcast at 8 pm will now be a 15-minute programme that will be broadcast from 8.30 pm to 8.45 pm in place of ‘World News’, the officials said.

Another change will be discontinuance of ‘Human Face’ programme, presently being broadcast from 1.45 pm to 2 pm on Sundays.