Alstom T&D India, the subsidiary of France-based Asltom Group, on Tuesday said it has bagged an order worth ₹381.7 crore (€41million) from Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL).

Alstom would supply hardware and software solution for PowerGrid’s energy management programme known as ‘The Unified Real-Time Dynamic State'.

This scheme would enable nation-wide monitoring of power flows across the grid, responding to fluctuations within a fraction of a second. Real-time data ensures that PowerGrid can intervene immediately to adjust and match electricity supply to demand.

Alstom would equip 34 control centres across the country with phasor measurement units, which analyses weak spots in the system in real-time. It will detect the evolving disturbances, tap into latent electricity capacity across electrical transmission corridors, and provide actionable information to system operators to take timely decisions such as to prevent blackouts.

Currently, Alstom solutions now manage 70 per cent of the power flow for India. It has also commissioned the National Load Despatch Centres for Bangladesh and Bhutan.