A man such as he walks but rarely upon this earth

In a nascent India, he showed what someone could be worth

He was forged in fiery furnaces, a man of polished steel

Perchance a tryst with destiny, a turn of the dharmic wheel

At every national need, he was there at the fore

A man of global vision, he could see the India of yore

Never was he for himself, never the one asking for more

With kindness and brilliance, he nurtured the younger corps

He funded future scholars in new portals of learning

His charitable trusts save lives and heal the many ailing

He set standards of integrity, the fibers of corporate life

He ensured decency and the absence of endless strife

In every corner of the world, he left something behind

From the salt of the Indian Ocean to the Darjeeling tea refined

He never did marry, or rather he married just one

For he left behind a legacy, as brilliant as the Indian sun

(The author is a technologist, entrepreneur, humanist, poet. www. LinkedIn.com/in/sriprofile)