With reference to the above captioned subject, we would like to state, in respect of discrepancy as mentioned in your abovesaid email, that, we have inadvertently missed Note No. 7 as mentioned below, in the financial results of the Company, which we have submitted on 26th May, 2018: 7. The reconciliation of Total Equity as on 31st March, 2017 as reported under previous GAAP and Ind AS is given below: Rs. in Lakhs Particulars Year Ended 31st March, 2017 Total Equity reported under Previous GAAP 10,237.80 Fair Value Measurements of Deposits (31.12) Fair Value Adjustments of Term Loans 10.61 Fair Value Adjustments of Investments 63.58 Total Equity under Ind AS 10,280.87 Kindly consider above said Note No. 7 as a part of the financial results submitted by us on 26th May, 2018 and oblige.

Pdf Link: Rectification Of Discrepancy In Financial Result For The Year Ended 2018

Source : BSE - www.bseindia.com