Apollo Health City has performed 100 Fontan repairs, a cardiac surgery for new born babies and children suffering from congenital heart disease.

In India, about 50,000 children are born every year with congenital heart disease. Out of these, between 3,000 and 5,000 are born with single ventricle defects, which are more complex heart diseases with very large holes in the heart, and one of the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricle) is often rudimentary.

Such children would need multiple operations called Fontan Repairs to survive beyond the first decade of life.

Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director of Apollo Hospitals Group, said the success rate for the 100 Fontan repairs at the hospital was 98 per cent.

She said children suffering from these heart ailments are mostly from the lower economic sections. Babies are born with such heart diseases mostly if their mothers had suffered some infections and were not treated during pregnancy.

"The number of kids suffering from this disease can be drastically brought down if there is more awareness about infections and their treatment during pregnancy," she told media persons here today.