Hyundai Motor India Ltd’s (HMIL) Director for Marketing and Sales, Mr Arvind Saxena, has resigned, official sources told Business Line .

Mr Saxena, who has been with Hyundai since 2006, is now expected to join Volkswagen as the head of its Marketing and Sales team for India. He is likely to replace Mr Neeraj Garg, who is currently the Member of Board & Director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Volkswagen Group Sales India. Recent media reports had indicated that Mr Garg, along with Mr Sandeep Mandrekar, Head of Sales at Volkswagen India, were both on their exit path from the German automaker’s Indian subsidiary.

Hyundai sources in Chennai said that Mr Saxena had confirmed his resignation on Monday evening. Mr Saxena’s duties in the interim would be handled by Mr Rakesh Srivastava, Vice-President for National Sales at HMIL, they said. Mr Srivastava, in fact, had joined Hyundai in April this year after a 15-year stint at Maruti Suzuki. “Hyundai is already searching for a replacement for Mr Saxena, who will likely join at an even higher position. The word is that the new person may even be from outside the auto sector,” another industry source said.