Aurobindo Pharma, a Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company, has entered the race to develop a vaccine against the novel coronavirus.

The company has announced that it is developing several anti-virus vaccines including a potential vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.

“During the year (FY20), we have further strengthened our presence in the vaccines segment through the acquisition of R&D assets from Profectus Biosciences through Auro Vaccines. Using those R&D assets, the team is working on developing several viral vaccines, including a vaccine for Covid-19,” it said in a statement published in its annual report.

“Our vaccine candidate underwent an evaluation by BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of BioTechnology). BIRAC has evaluated our platform extensively and we have been informed that our vaccine has been shortlisted by BIRAC for funding initial development up,” the city-based drugmaker said in the annual report. The company is developing a Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV).

The company stated that the global market size of the product is $6.2 billion. The company has successfully completed the Phase-I and Phase II studies. Phase-III clinical study is expected to be initiated by December 2020. The final product would be launched by the end of FY22.

“The acquisition (of Profectus BioSciences) will also lead to the enhancement of our R&D capabilities and expertise in developing new vaccines from basic discovery to FDA approved products. As part of our commitment to patient needs, we have started working on developing a vaccine for Covid- 19,” the report said.