Power equipment maker BHEL has renovated, modernised and uprated a 200-MW thermal power unit at Obra in Uttar Pradesh. This is a Russian machine and being used by Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpaadan Nigam Ltd.

This unit has already completed 25 years of operation and now the working life of the machine has been extended by another 15-20 years. At the same time, it can generate 216-MW electricity and also has been synchronised with the grid.

All these happened even in the absence of original design documentations. It may be noted that this is the first time when the company has modernised and uprated any 200-MW class machine in India.

Currently over 150 sets of 200/210 MW rating are in operation in the country. Out of this, about 70 sets have outlived their designed economic life of 25 years.

Capacity uprating

Power utilities need to see this as an opportunity for capacity uprating and life extension to not only improve their performance level in terms of improving efficiency and reducing emissions but also extending their useful life span by another two decades.

BHEL has already executed renovation and modernisation of 10 units with a capacity up to 120 MW. Now it is working on five sets of 110 MW units and four sets of 200 MW units for improving the efficiency.

With problem in setting up new plants due to various reasons, optimum utilisation of the existing capacity to maximise the generation through renovation and modernisation and life extension of existing power plants is considered to be the most cost-effective option. 
