The Bharat Heavy Plate and Vessels (BHPV) here, a subsidiary of the BHEL, is aiming at a challenging but achievable turnover of Rs 287 crore during the current financial year, according to Executive Director C.P Chengappa.

He was reviewing the performance of the company after hoisting the national flag on the occasion of the Independence Day.

He said the order-book position as on August 1 was Rs 395 crore and the company had received two major orders during the current financial year.

The first one being Rs 27-crore order from Bhilai Steel Plant for supply of 26 buffer vessels and the second Rs 18-crore order from Numaligarh refinery.

He said BHPV was executing various works for BHEL and it had also supplied titanium domes for the satellite launch vehicles of ISRO.

He said the merger issue was being pursued by BHEL and BHPV in right earnest and the matter was pending with the Government and the Department of the Heavy Industry.