Packaged drinking water major, Bisleri International, is getting into the facial spray category probably by introducing a new brand.

“We may look at a new brand which has its own identity for the facial spray category. The product would be outsourced as the packaging needs are different from that of mineral water,” said Ms Anjana Ghosh, Head, Business Development, Bisleri International.

In the past, Bisleri had tried to introduce Bisleri ‘Mist' as a form of facial spray but the product did not take off. It is now reconsidering entering the facial spray category under a new brand with more affordable pricing to suit the Indian consumer.

The new Bisleri facial spray is expected to get pegged at Rs 70 for 75 ml.

Currently, the facial spray category is almost vacant, barring Dabur's rose water brand Gulabari and a couple of international brands such as Evian. But Bisleri's facial spray will not be flavoured, and is expected to be an extension of its water business.

Compact product

“We are working on the packaging and pricing for the facial spray as we want to make it a compact product which is affordable,” added Ms Ghosh.

The packaged water company has stretched its brand into categories such as sodas, tissues and wipes. Facial sprays are expected to be the next line of products which would get included in its non-packaged drinking water portfolio.

Considering the Bisleri franchise has extended itself into new categories, the Mumbai-based company has decided to launch its own shops to sell its offerings and get away from distributors who demand higher margins.

Bisleri Shoppes

The market leader in packaged water is gearing up to enter retail trade with its Bisleri Shoppes, which have already been test-launched in Bangalore.

According to Mr Ramesh Chauhan, Chairman, Bisleri International, “There would be 500 Bisleri Shoppes which would get launched pan-India with almost 100 in the city of Mumbai alone. These would be 250 sq.ft retail shops run by franchises. It would stock all our SKUs in packaged water and would also offer direct delivery service to homes and offices in the vicinity.”

Considering there continues to be distribution challenges for the water major, the Bisleri Shoppe concept is expected to address this challenge to a certain extent.

As Ms Ghosh says, “Today we see ourselves more as a transport and logistics company rather than a packaged water company since the volumes and weight of packaged water are high.”

The Bisleri Shoppes are expected to double up as distribution centres through their direct delivery services.
