Blend360, a global provider of data, analytics, and talent solutions, has received an investment of $100 million for a minority stake from Recognize, a technology investment platform. 

This is the first institutional investment in Blend360, which seeks to tap Recognizes experience in operating and scaling large technology and service businesses. 

“We intend to become the premier service provider of AI [artificial intelligence] and ML [machine learning] solutions that optimise business results, and this investment is another significant step in our journey. To get us to the next level, we realised we needed a best-in-class partner —and that’s what we found in Recognize,” said Patrick Hennessy, CEO and Co-founder of Blend360.

In 2016, Hennessy and Tim Berry launched Blend360 offering data, tech, analytics, and consultant solutions. 

Frank D’Souza, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Recognize, and Mike Grady, Partner at Recognize, will join Blend360’s board to help expand its international footprint.

Blend360 has over 500 employees with offices across the US and in India, Europe, West Asia and Africa.