The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved a proposal for offering an improved voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) package to the employees of Hindustan Vegetable Oils Corporation.

The improved package is based on the 2007 notional pay scales of the employees and government assistance will be in the form of a non-plan grant of ₹27.56 crore to the company.

The Cabinet was also apprised of the joint issue of UN Women HeForShe postage stamps. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Department of Posts and the United Nations Postal Administration in February 2016 for the purpose.

In another decision, the Cabinet approved leasing of 1,500 sq m of Airports Authority of India land at Indore Airport to M.P. Warehousing Logistics Corporation for establishing a Centre for Perishable Cargo.

“This centre will provide a world-class facility under one roof to cater to the requirements of traders and maintain the quality of produce. The facility is to be created by M.P. Warehousing Logistics Corporation under the public-private-partnership mode,” an official statement said.

Further, the Cabinet was also apprised of the decision taken by the Empowered Apex Steering Committee that Princess Park Complex in New Delhi would be suitable for construction of the National War Museum. “As regards the National War Memorial, the same would be constructed at the ‘C’ Hexagon of India Gate as approved by the Cabinet in October 2015,” a statement said.