The 750 MW thermal power station of CESC Limited located at Budge Budge, West Bengal has been ranked amongst the best in terms of Plant Load Factor (PLF), amongst all thermal power plants of India.

According to CEA sources, the PLF of Budge Budge generating station (3x250 MW) was around 96.80 per cent in August 2019 for which the latest results have just been announced, CESC said in a release.

The first unit of CESC’s Budge Budge (250 MW) was commissioned in 1997, followed by the second unit (250 MW) in 1999 and the third unit (250 MW) in 2009.

Haldia Energy, another generating plant, of CESC Ltd also features amongst the top six performing thermal power plants for August. Haldia Energy had a PLF of 93.32 per cent.

According to Rabi Chowdhury, Managing Director – Generation, CESC Ltd, in Kolkata today, the three coal-based units of Budge Budge generating station are consistent producers of electricity.