Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO), the Chandigarh-based laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, has transferred a UV-based disinfectant technology to 28 manufacturers across the country. The technolgy will help keep air-controlled indoor spaces safe from SARS-CoV2 virus.

There has been increasing evidence for airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which could be a major risk in indoor settings. Studies by researchers from other CSIR labs have shown that the novel corona viral particles can be detected in the air even two hours after an infected person has left the space, a statement said on Saturday.

CSIR-CSIO took up the challenge of developing an effective fail-proof retro-fit device with high intensities to handle fast airflows to be fitted with minimal intervention in air-ducts of existing HVAC systems that are widely used in indoors in industrial and commercial environment. And, this led to the development of an UV-C air duct disinfection system, which can be used in auditoriums, large conference rooms, classrooms, and malls to provide a relatively safer environment for indoor activities in the current pandemic

The UV-C system is found to deactivate over 99 per cent of viruses, bacteria, fungus and other bio-aerosols with appropriate dosages using 254nm UV light. Use of UV-C may also help in ameliorating the fungal infections being witnessed during the current wave of the pandemic. This technology developed by the Fabrionics division at CSIR-CSIO led by scientist Harry Garg.

The CSIR-CSIO’s product can be used as a retrofit solution to Air Handling Units (AHUs) of buildings, transport vehicles and other spin off applications. The UV-C is energy efficient system, improves airflow through coils, enhances indoor air quality, requires less maintenance, easy to retrofit with any existing system having AHU ducts, and has low initial setup cost. The system comes with commercialized standards and certifications, the statement said.

The institute has now transferred the technology to as many as 28 firms located in Bengaluru, Delhi, Hyderabad, Gurugram, Mumbai, Gujarat, Kerala, Odisha and Tamil Nadu among others.

Installation of UV light-based solutions may boost people’s confidence and facilitate return to work places, public transport and educational institutions as and when appropriate guidelines for relaxation of lockdown/curfews are issued, said S Anantha Ramakrishna, CSIR-CSIO Director.