Coal India Ltd (CIL) has attempted to ward off the impact of the strike called by trade unions protesting against commercial coal mining.

A Coal India statement said, “CITU was the lone union to head off and called for a protest a day against the commercial mining. To ensure no loss of production and offtake, Coal India management made elaborate arrangements and a multi-pronged plan was put into action at all mines of CIL.”

CIL said that in an attempt to maintain peace and thwart any disruption of mining activities, all the subsidiary companies have made videography and photography arrangements at the mines to identify the persons taking part in the strike. This has dissuaded the agitators to force any stoppage of work and sit on dharna.

There were also escalated checks by CIL officers and the law and order machinery. The subsidiaries were also intimated to send reports to CIL every two hours informing the developments.