Drugmaker Cipla has announced the appointment of Samina Vaziralli as Executive Director on its board from July 10.

The niece of Cipla Chairman YK Hamied, Vaziralli is the daughter of Vice-Chairman MK Hamied. And her appointment comes even as Cipla deals with top-level exits, including that of Kamil Hamied, nephew of YK Hamied.

Vaziralli is part of the core leadership team and has been with the company since 2011. She has been responsible for successfully incubating and shaping Cipla’s consumer healthcare business as part of Cipla New Ventures, the company said.

The company’s board of directors also approved the divestment of its consumer healthcare business to a wholly owned subsidiary that is proposed to be incorporated. The transaction is on a going-concern basis by way of a slump sale for a consideration of ₹10.5 crore, the company said.