The Delhi office of Coal India Ltd (CIL) is being shut down in a phased manner as per the directives of the Minister of Coal. The status of the closure operation was detailed under an implementation report on 13 items forwarded by the Office of the Minister for Coal.

According to the action-taken report, in the first phase, the total manpower of CIL Delhi Office has been reduced by 24 per cent over five months, from February 1 to June 30.

The report said eight executives and five non-executives have been transferred out of the CIL Delhi office and two non-executives have retired. The total strength of the office has been reduced from 65 on February 1 to 50 on June 30 this year.

The report said: “In the second phase, it is proposed to further transfer four executives and four non-executives… Three executives and four non-executives are going to retire from CIL Delhi office by January 2019.”

Employees with less than one year of service as on March 31, 2018, those suffering from terminally ill diseases, those having spouse working in Delhi/NCR in Central government, PSUs or State governments and those having differently-abled dependents are exempt for the time being.