The Delhi corporate office of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has been closed as a few employees have tested positive for the coronavirus.

This is first confirmed case of at the company headquarters (HQ) since the outbreak of the pandemic, it said in a statement.

“The infected employees have been immediately asked to home quarantine themselves and company’s Standard Operating Procedures to handle the Covid infection has been put into action. A Government-appointed agency has been engaged to do fumigation at SAIL’s HQ at Lodi Road, which is being carried out extensively for two days. The office has been closed for June 3 and June 4 and the employees have been asked to work from home. The Company has also tied up with two renowned private hospitals in Delhi to facilitate testing of employees who require the same,” the statement said.

Since the company restarted its office in a phased manner, all the required safety measures, including sanitization, thermal checking, hand sanitizers at touch points and fumigation as per requirement, were in place, the statement added.