Crystal Crop Protection has acquired insecticide and herbicide brands Furadan, Splendour, Metcil and Affinity Force from FMC Corporation for undisclosed amount.

This is the company’s third acquisition this year following buy-out of chemicals plant from Cytec India Specialty Chemicals & Materials and seeds business of Syngenta India.

Ankur Aggarwal, Managing Director, Crystal Crop Protection, said the company is open for more such inorganic growth opportunities in the future.

The company, which has filed for initial public offering, made several acquisitions including Indian seeds business of Germany’s BASF SE in 2016 and Hyderabad-based company Rohini-Seeds.

It has signed a letter of intent with KeyGene NV, Netherland to explore a strategic collaboration for developing products through sharing of technology and novel breeding techniques that will benefit farmers to increase their farm profitability.

The company, which has integrated operations including an R&D facility, recently enhanced its seed production capacity by acquiring Cytec India plant in Nagpur with leasehold rights on land area of 40,500 sq m.