Cummins India has been honoured as the ‘Silver’ employer at the India Workplace Equality Index (IWEI) Top Employers 2020. The recognition is assigned for company’s significant achievement in promoting LGBT+ inclusion at the workplace, demonstrating progress and impact over time.

IWEI is a benchmarking tool for employers to measure progress on LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) equality and inclusion in the workplace. This tool is built on more than a decade of experience from the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, which was introduced in the UK in 2005. In 2020, IWEI was introduced in India by diversity and inclusion organizations such as Pride Circle, Keshav Suri Foundation and Stonewall (UK).

“Since its inception in early 2018, Cummins India Pride Employee Resource Group (ERG) has made continuous efforts to enhance the diversity, equality and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people. The India Pride ERG has worked with the relevant departments to ensure that the documents and policies are inclusive of LGBT employees. A Pride Handbook was also launched to serve as a fast resource and network resource guide for LGBTQ+ employees” the press statement issued by the company added.

In addition to these various campaigns, projects and programmes have been initiated to encourage all employees to write their preferred pronouns in their email signatures to be inclusive towards their non-binary workforce.

Ashwath Ram, Managing Director, Cummins India said, “Cummins truly believes that with a diverse and inclusive workforce, we can bring the right combination of perspectives, insights and skills to solve the challenges of our stakeholders. At Cummins in India, we take special efforts to create a workplace culture that is not just diverse but also inclusive”.